
Tuesday, February 2, 2010


On Friday night and all day Saturday it snowed here- about 4-5 inches. It was a beautiful slow-falling-big-flaked kind of snow that was wet enough to make perfect snowballs, snowmen, snow forts, etc. The whole world has been covered in this beautiful pristine blanket now for 4 days. And for 4 days everything has been essentially on hold.I grew up in Minnesota, but have lived in this region for long enough to expect and understand this reaction to snow. Truth be told no one in this house owns boots, we don't have a snow shovel, and we share an ice-scraper between our cars. School has been canceled for the second straight day and while I am enjoying the time with Jonathan, I am going stir crazy with no where to go and nothing to do. I am loving the beauty of the snow and the sense of peace that looking out on a new clean white snow gives me. But I am dreading the make-up days that are either going to cut our spring break short or delay our summer break. I am trying to focus on the now: the joy of being with Jonathan all day, of having no plans, of having a chance to just BE. But those pesky anxieties and annoyances keep creeping in. I have to keep looking out on the snow and remembering to breath slowly and deeply and relish this moment.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures - and the snowman!! Hope you have a lovely peaceful day today - enjoy the moments! It was great to video chat this morning.


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