
Friday, May 20, 2011

My 2 Year Old

One of the things I like best about being a Mommy is watching Jonathan's little personality emerging more and more day by day. He surprises me and makes me laugh almost every day. With no particular theme except Jonathan's 2-year-old-ness, these are some of my favorite pictures from the past few weeks:

Jammies and "Bear Shoes"

My little kitchen helper

Feet on the table, just like Daddy

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Mr. Jonathan had his 2nd birthday last weekend. And we celebrated in style!

Cupcakes to represent his favorites:

Streamers and balloons (that are still a huge source of amusement even a week later)

Tot friendly food

Great friends and family

Some entertainment

And some super presents

Jonathan still talks about "his party" and gets very animated talking about it. Meanwhile I can't believe how fast 2 years has flown by!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

the joy of flushing

Jonathan likes talking about the toilet a lot. He has his own seat that fits on top of the real seat and for the past few weeks has been requesting to sit on it before his bath. Tonight, for the first time, he actually peed in the pot!! I think even he was surprised.

I cheered him on and, when he was done, helped him wipe and let him flush it down. Then, as a congratulations, I told him he could have a piece of candy. He raced into the kitchen after me, eagerly took the candy, ran straight back to the bathroom, and threw it in the toilet. He laughed hysterically as he flushed it down and then, perfectly content, got into the bath.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Belly Pic- 21 weeks

I can't believe we are already past the half-way mark!! Here is my growing belly from the outside... (please be so kind as to ignore the crazy hair thing I've got going on)

Being half-way not only means I no longer fit in my pants, it ALSO means that we went in for our 20 week ultrasound this past week and... we are having a GIRL!!! Here she is:

Friday, May 6, 2011

Daddy has no baby

Jonathan and I were "reading" a cooking magazine earlier this week and came across a picture of a quite pregnant woman eating something obnoxiously healthy like raw broccoli. I decided it was time to take the opportunity to talk about how sometimes ladies have babies growing in their tummies. I've mentioned this before to him and he has just looked at me like I am completely insane. This time was no different. But I went to get his baby book and showed him a picture of when I was pregnant with him. I told him that that was when he was in my tummy. He leaned forward, examined the picture closely and then turned around to look at my tummy.

"Mommy's tummy big. Jonathan in Mommy's tummy??"

"You used to be in Mommy's tummy."

He looked up at me suspiciously and then plowed headfirst into my stomach, curling his little legs up underneath so he was a small and spherical as he could get.

"Jonathan get back in Mommy's tummy?"

It took a few minutes to explain to him that (a) he was too big and that (b) nothing fun was in Mommy's tummy (no Daddy, no froggy-blanket, no basketballs...). But finally he stopped ramming my stomach with his head.

Today when I picked him up from preschool, he pointed to my tummy and said "Mommy has a baby in her tummy, but Daddy has no baby."

Monday, May 2, 2011

Where'd he learn that??

Jonathan has an extensive vocabulary- much of which takes Jim and I by surprise when we hear it pop out of his mouth. He often wanders around singing partial lyrics to nursery rhymes I barely remember all the words to or pulls out appropriate vocabulary that I don't recall from any of our conversations or books. His latest surprising word? Dannit. (I'm not sure I can credit the preschool teachers with this one- though I'm voting to blame Daddy)

He has been experimenting with it at home A LOT today. For example while wrestling with Daddy he got frustrated that he couldn't push Daddy's feet of the sofa and exclaimed "Dannit! Move!" When I put him in the bath before the instant he was ready, he got mad, threw a toy across the tub and yelled "Dannit!" I've been trying to de-emphasize it by ignoring it or pretending it is a non-sense word. But that doesn't seem to be working. His preschool teachers reported that he has also been using it liberally at school and teaching it to other kids. Awesome.
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