
Monday, May 2, 2011

Where'd he learn that??

Jonathan has an extensive vocabulary- much of which takes Jim and I by surprise when we hear it pop out of his mouth. He often wanders around singing partial lyrics to nursery rhymes I barely remember all the words to or pulls out appropriate vocabulary that I don't recall from any of our conversations or books. His latest surprising word? Dannit. (I'm not sure I can credit the preschool teachers with this one- though I'm voting to blame Daddy)

He has been experimenting with it at home A LOT today. For example while wrestling with Daddy he got frustrated that he couldn't push Daddy's feet of the sofa and exclaimed "Dannit! Move!" When I put him in the bath before the instant he was ready, he got mad, threw a toy across the tub and yelled "Dannit!" I've been trying to de-emphasize it by ignoring it or pretending it is a non-sense word. But that doesn't seem to be working. His preschool teachers reported that he has also been using it liberally at school and teaching it to other kids. Awesome.


  1. Babies are funnier when they curse.

  2. And I thought learning the word "Dora" at daycare was bad...

  3. Liam made up "Nush", it is his own special curse word. He doesn't get in trouble for it at school because they don't know what it means. He does get in trouble for saying "poop", though.


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