
Monday, April 18, 2011

Good Bye Bottle

23 1/2 months and I am finally packing up the bottles. Last night I decided it was time and I just skipped right from play-time to bath and then on to the bedtime routine, omitting the bottle completely, and Jonathan didn't mention it once. Tonight at around 6:25 he asked for a bottle and so I explained that we were done with bottles because he was getting to be a big boy. He cried and I hugged him and told him I know it was sad because he had liked bottles so much. I reassured him that we would still do bath-time and and pajama-time and story-time and songs before bed (he was particularly worried about stories, and I had to tell him a few times, that YES there would ALWAYS be books before bed). But then he ran to the bath tub and wanted to start the water. We'll see how tomorrow goes, but so far so good!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your 'graduation' little man - and to you,too, mommy!


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