
Monday, January 4, 2010

Operation Restore Sanity (phase 1)

We have commenced phase 1 of Operation Restore Sanity. The preliminary results are in and it is looking good so far!

Our plan was to start giving Jonathan a bottle of formula before bed (instead of nursing) and then work in phases gradually eliminating night time feedings/wakings. Phase 1 includes the transition to formula and limiting night time feedings/wakings to 1 per night prior to feeding him on my way to work (between 5 and 6am). Phase 2 will be the transition to not waking up to eat at night at all. Phase 3 will be me getting enough sleep regain some normal level of brain function.

Last night was part one of phase one. We decided to give him a bottle, but not start letting him cry until tonight. So yesterday we gave Jonathan his first bottle of formula ever and put him to bed praying that the formula wouldn't give him some sort of gastrointestinal distress. He woke up at 10:30 and cried for about 8 minutes before I went up and patted his back a few times and he went right back to sleep. He then slept until 12:30 when I went up to feed him. So far so good!! The improved sleep could have been because the formula is magical or because he was completely worn out from crawling around our house like crazy yesterday. Either way I am hopeful that this will become a pattern and was not a fluke!


  1. I have a book called "The Nursing Mother's Companion" that is rabidly pro-nursing and has thus far been very helpful. However when I was skimming in it this evening, I found a bit that explained in a reassuring way that a nursing baby would probably wake for nursing several times a night up until the age of 2 whereas formula fed babies will often sleep 10-12 hours by 4 months. I find it difficult to believe that most mother's concern about the night waking is primarily on behalf of the welfare of their baby. I also find this idea terribly discouraging and it makes me want to wean Jonathan right now despite the fact that I am a big fan of breastfeeding. What is a confused and exhausted mother to do?

  2. Most people our age were fed on formula, especially after 6 months, and we mostly all turned out OK. Plus, having a mother with normal brain function is just as important, if not more important, as drinking breast milk repeatedly all night.

  3. Somehow I don't think you want to be waking up several times a night for the next year and a half...

  4. Jaxon woke up at 4 am for 365 nights. On his first birthday, I cut him off completely and he started sleeping through the night. Now, I can't vouch for him being normal/ok/whatever, but he is healthy. Penelope slept well from the beginning and I did switch her to formula at around 4-5 mos. She is an insane maniac. Was if the formula? Who knows. It could be any number of determining factors. Point is, if your kid is destined to be a loony, he'll be a loony. Formula isn't going to make or break him; but it could make or break you. My advice? Do what makes Mommy happy. ALWAYS.


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