
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

cooking therapy

I love food. I love growing it (when I can) and the idea of other people growing it (when I cannot); I love cooking it; I love eating it; I love reading about growing and/or cooking it and/or eating it. And right now I love it as therapy.

Between Operation Restore Sanity going wildly awry (more on this later), feeling like a chicken with my head cut off all day at work, and trying to predict what Jonathan the crawling wonder will get into next, I have been feeling a bit out of control. Like I am one of those mine carts in Indiana Jones careening wildly around corners, sparks flying and wheels barely hanging onto the rails. But when 7pm comes and Jonathan is snug in bed, I can finally take a deep breath. And my overwhelming urge lately has been to cook something cozy and wonderful. Last night I made pumpkin-oatmeal bread. Tonight I started marinating a roast and put on a pot of mushroom stock. And as I stood there slowing stirring the dark bubbling liquid, smelling browned onions, garlic, and stewing mushrooms I could feel all of the tension seeping out of my shoulders. This is something I can control and master. There are steps to be followed and an end product I know I will love. I feel relaxed and wonderful- until I look over to see the sink filled with dirty dishes....


  1. Oh, I can SO relate to the allure and comfort of something cooking in the kitchen!! My favorite way to create and relax...I think we have something in common!

  2. Hanging out in your mom's kitchen watching her cook (and eating stuff there) was my big comforting/relaxing/stress-reducing habit all growing up. I feel like I spent years of my life sitting at that island. So, to that extent, I totally relate. In terms of cooking myself... not so much :).

  3. Thanks, Allison - that makes me happy! I sure miss those days!!


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