
Thursday, October 22, 2009

unself conscious

Today what I love about babies is how utterly self conscious they are. I have a picture of Jonathan on my desk that I just love. He is sitting there, bald as a cue-ball, droll dripping down his chin and he has this giant grin on his face like looking at you is the most wonderful thing he can imagine. He is just so excited to be with you that he doesn't care that he isn't wearing pants or that he has sweet potatoes on his shirt. Oh to be able to enjoy life with that kind of abandon!


  1. I think you should show us that picture....Jonathan won't mind!

  2. Ha- I love that they are that way about other people too...ridiculously non-discriminate. Penelope just LOVES waving and smiling at scary homeless people and old creepy men. Today, I was actually GLAD when she picked a preppy looking college boy to window flirt with while we were stopped at a light. it's so awkward!


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