
Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Today I'm not so sure about the working-mom thing... I feel so tired I might die. Tired like my bones hurt. And I don't see really when that is going to change. I found myself looking out at my students today and just not caring. Not a good sign. Would I feel better if I wasn't working? I don't know. I would certainly feel better if my alarm was not going off at 5:30. I guess for now the plan is to continue to bring on the coffee...

1 comment:

  1. Krista - Hang in there! I'm not sure I can accurately say that it gets better, but Jonathan will start to sleep through the night and then you'll at least be a little less tired. Two years later, I still struggle with the working mom thing. I hate to see Sophie go to daycare; I miss her all the time; and I feel more easily disgruntled with work. But, then I see how she smiles and gets excited about seeing me when I pick her up from daycare, and just recently she's started talking about her "friends" -- naming them and everything. It at least makes it a little more bearable.


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