Well I made it through the first week back to work with surprisingly few tears- really almost none. It helps that I love my job and the people I work with (and that there were no students yet). And it helped that Jonathan was just at home with Jim this week. I think I was thinking of it more like stepping out to run some errands than being gone all day at work. I stayed true to my goal of leaving work (or packing up) by 3:00- even today when it meant leaving without lesson plans for one of my classes on Tuesday. And despite the fact that I could (and know some teachers who are), I am not going in tomorrow or on Sunday to finish up. I will not let my job take over my life this year. (someone else has already done that!)
I think it will be harder next week. I will have the normal stress of all new students- learning names, new schedules, discipline, no free time, etc. Plus Jonathan will be at day-care and not just at home.
But so far so good.
I had a hard time leaving Isaiah at first, but he was always so happy and content when I picked him up and I thought about how unhappy I would be if I were home alone all day long...it helped, but it was still hard. Even this year, after having him home all summer, I'm a bit nervous sending him back out into the world.