
Thursday, September 10, 2009

first days at 'preschool'

Jonathan checking himself out in the mirror at preschool:

Jonathan had his first days at preschool this week. When I picked him up the first day the ladies there went on and on about how social and smart and cheerful and cute and generally wonderful Jonathan was. They didn't say it (probably because some of the other mommies were there), but you got the impression they knew that Jonathan was the best baby there. (which he obviously is). But they forgot to give me my check-out sheet and couldn't find Jonathan's dirty bottles.

The second day I picked him up, a different two ladies were there. They were very nice and gave me all of the important information about when and how much he ate/pooped/cried/slept/etc. His bottles were organized and my check-out sheet was completely filled out and neat. But they didn't tell me that he was hands down the best baby they had ever met.

As I left with my little bundle of soft warm wonderfulness on that second day, I found myself thinking that I liked the first set of ladies a whole lot more than the second set and that the second set just didn't seem quite as sharp or on top of things! When I caught myself, I was amazed at how easily I had been bought! And I have a whole new perspective on conducting parent-teacher conferences as a teacher!


  1. ah yes...the ol' "your kid is freakin' amazing" maneuver. It's amazing that when i hear that, i feel a gush of pride as if i actually made them, or did something to affect the outcome of how cute/great/talented they are. but i'm really just lucky. ps. your baby is a real looker!! can't wait to see him!

  2. I have been noticing that the green striped hippos is shrinking dramitically - can you do anything about that?


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