
Monday, September 21, 2009

my latest worry

Yesterday evening Jonathan and I spent quite a while playing on the floor. It was fantastically fun because he has started laughing a lot-almost whenever you talk to or sing to him. And yesterday he was focused on rolling over. He has done it before here and there, but last night he was practicing. 5 or 6 times in a row he would roll from his back to his tummy, gurgle happily for a while and then start to fuss. I would roll him back to his back and he would rock back and forth, thinking and then roll right back over to his tummy. (Such a smart little boy!) I'm very proud of him. The problem, however, is that now when he is in bed and starts to make any little moving around sorts of noises or grunts or cries or whimpers or really makes any of his totally normal nighttime noises, I lay there in bed wondering if he has rolled over to his tummy in his sleep and is stuck. Not a problem, except that it has been drilled into my head (like it is now drilled into the heads of all new mommies and mommies to be) that babies who sleep on their tummies will die instantly of SIDS. Needless to say I am doing a lot of running up and down the stairs in the middle of the night...


  1. Krista, I worried about this, too, with Isaiah! But I read somewhere that once they are able to roll themselves over, the risk of SIDS is lessened.

  2. This will reveal what a messed up mom I am, but too woke at any little noise, so at 4 months when he was sleeping 8 hours or more straight and I was no longer sleeping at all, I cut off the monitor and eventually started wearing ear plugs. He was only across the hall. Before that, I'd lay there even hoping to hear a noise or breathing just to know he was okay.


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