
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nursery- almost done!

So with only 5 weeks left until my official due date (which I think is probably a few days too late), my entire brain seems to be consumed with baby preparation. This is no longer keeping me up tossing and turning all night (I'm not sure I slept more than 10 hours total during the week last week), but it is keeping me busy. We moved that beautiful dresser upstairs and are finishing up the nursery. It is looking good so far. Since the kiddos are going to share a room, I've been trying to meld the boy and girl styles, but the room is kind of split down the middle at this point.

Here is the view as you first walk in the door:

As you turn to your left, you see the girl part of the room. (Mostly done except the crib mattress and potentially a rug).

As you keep turning 180 degrees, past the door where you entered, you come to the boy portion of the room.

And if you keep turning, you encounter the disaster portion:

I foresee a constant battle between Mommy and the proliferation of toys and chaos for the next 18 years or so. But I would really like to have a place for everything where it can be out of sight and then found easily again (at least once in a while). Our current "organization" for upstairs toys and books is seriously lacking at the moment. I'm thinking canvas bins and perhaps more of a book display rack rather than a book shelf. Anyone found anything that works for keeping toddler books in some sort of easily accessible, orderly fashion?

1 comment:

  1. I think it looks beautiful - so inviting! And Jonathan has such cute smiles - I think he likes it too! ;)


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