
Saturday, March 13, 2010

rough day

Today has started out rough. I woke up to messy, dirty house and looked outside to a gloomy, drizzly morning hanging over an untidy weed-infested yard. The to-do list around here is overwhelming: piles of paperwork, a myriad of little projects, and still nothing for dinner. I have no idea when I will have the time and free hands to get this stuff done. I know that spending time playing on the floor is more meaningful than mowing the yard, but at the end of the day when the piles and to-do lists have only gotten bigger, it is hard for me to see that. Which is why, I suppose, pictures are so helpful.


  1. Don't forget to read the needlework poem I gave you for Christmas - I needed to see that several times a day, sometimes!! There is nothing more valuable than what you are doing right now!

  2. I love the pictures of Jonathan:) Krista, I have those days, too. One of my best defense mechanisms has been denial, where I leave my house and pretend that the pile of dishes and dust bunnies doesn't really exist, and I am sticking to that one! Miss you and want to give you a big ***hug***


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