
Friday, March 5, 2010

bottle these moments

One of my favorite things lately is the half an hour before bedtime. I give Jonathan a bottle and hold him while he eats, I give him his bath, and then we go upstairs for PJs a bedtime story, a lullaby and sleep. When he is tired and knows bed is coming he is so cuddly and peaceful while he eats (not so much during the day) and I just love it. I sit there and relish this time. He is getting so big so fast; I wish I could find a way to bottle moments like this because I know I won't be able to remember the exact way he curls his chubby little toes up when he is happy, or the softness of his skin, or the precise sound of his laughter in the bathtub. How do you hold on to perfect memories like these?

1 comment:

  1. We have those bath toys, we call them "squirty fish!". Liam loves to play the game where Jon sprays the squirty fish at him and yells "SQUIRTY FISH!" They are awesome.


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