
Thursday, March 25, 2010

I hate March

And I hate that I hate it.

There are no days off, but the weather makes you want to be outside. The end of the year starts to be in sight, but all of the deadlines start closing in on you and demanding ridiculous things. Seniors start to see college as an imminent reality, and start to act crazy and be really unfun to teach. And it just wears on me and I am too exhausted to enjoy life. I feel like a zombie most of the time even though I am sleeping better than I have all year.

I have spent a lot of time, energy, and money on therapy and one of the things I took away was the importance of living in the now- of appreciating the present moment for whatever it holds. This year I have been so good at not spending my time and happiness waiting for the next holiday, or half day, or special event- until now. Now I am counting down to spring break like it is my only lifeline. Grrr.... I hate March.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing it's April now! I always have mixed feelings about March. But April, that's a month I can get behind.


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