
Sunday, November 8, 2009

giving up

Ever since Jonathan has been able to roll over, he has done so in his sleep. This has caused me all sorts of stress (my latest worry) and up until very recently I was under the impression that he would roll over, get stuck, and this would upset him so he would start to cry.  I discovered this weekend, however, that he rolls over almost as soon as I lay him down.  I put him down for a nap yesterday and carefully followed the advice of the American Association of Pediatrics by laying him on his back to prevent SIDS.  By the time I had walked out of the door, he had flipped over (in his sleep) onto his stomach and had scrunched his knees up underneath him... 

I tried to roll him back, but (still in his sleep) he fought it and kept rolling back over to the same position.  I am officially giving up.  Sorry, AAP- this baby is a tummy sleeper!!


  1. This picture is SO cute!! I love it!

    And don't worry about stomach sleeping. If he can get himself onto his stomach, he can sleep there. I had the exact same fears. Isaiah still prefers to sleep on his stomach and will roll over almost instantly.

  2. Could anyone sleeping look more cozy and comfortable??? What a sweetie!

  3. i slept like that...i'm still here.
    jaxon slept like that...penelope slept like that....all the best babies sleep like that i think. plus, he's smart enough that if he is having a problem, he'll wake up or turn over. he's a strong little guy. i love the picture! i have a few of those myself. so beautiful!

  4. When my brother was born they told mothers to put their children to sleep on their stomachs so my mom spent years retroactively fearing that he COULD have died from it.

  5. I love that comment, Allison! It's a wonder any of us moms are even sane anymore...(are we???)


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