
Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I was putting Jonathan to bed a few minutes ago and as I was picking him up to carry him upstairs, he jammed the fleshy part of my thumb into his mouth and as he chomped/sucked on my hand, it felt odd. So I peeked into his mouth (no easy task considering that he insisted on sticking his tongue out)... and there was a tiny little tip of a tooth!!!

Jim and I agree that we are not sure what we think of this latest development for several reasons:

1) We are flying tomorrow- flying with a teething baby might not be as much fun as it sounds

2) Jonathan has the perfect smile exactly the way it is. What if we don't like this new "toothed" look?

3) nursing..??


  1. He was just getting ready for a Thanksgiving feast!

  2. once he bites you, chances are your reaction will be something completely shocking and out of the ordinary that you'll freak him out and he'll know never to do it again!

  3. I was really attached to Liam's toothy grin as well (he didn't get his first tooth until 9 months!) But it was one of those things where once he had teeth I couldn't imagine him looking cuter without them!


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