
Sunday, May 16, 2010

12 months and transitions

12 month stats:
height: 29 3/4 inches (50th percentile)
weight: 19lbs 5oz (5th percentile)

I think one of the things that is hardest (for me) about Jonathan is that it seems that babies are always in a state of transition. Bassinet to crib; nursing to formula; 3 naps to 2; rolling to crawling to cruising to walking; bottles to baby food to finger food; etc. Just when I think I have a handle on our routine or how to do something, it all changes. Our latest change is from bottle to sippy-cup.

Jonathan is good at managing the sippy-cup. He knows how to drink from it and will drink 5 full ounces at a time of water. When you fill it with milk or formula it is a different story. He pulls it out of his mouth and his eyes look at you like you have fundamentally betrayed him while he contorts the rest of his face to express that this is the worst tasting crap that has ever entered his mouth and lets all of the milk run out of his mouth onto the bib. But yesterday we decided that like it or not, we were transitioning to the sippy-cup cold turkey. Good-bye bottles.

I'm serving milk only at meals and coaxing him into drinking a sip or two. Between times we've giving him water so that he doesn't dehydrate himself in his refusal to drink. But yesterday we estimated that he drank a total of about 3 ounces of milk (compared to 16-20 he had been having from his bottle). I'm serving yoghurt and cheese in hopes of still getting enough calcium and protein into his little skinny self.

This is only day 2 of this transition- so it is the hardest part for me. Wondering/worrying which way things will go from here? Will he learn to tolerate the taste of milk from a cup?When? Will I be tempted to resort to serving chocolate milk (as I swore I would never do)? Will he end up malnourished and having osteoporosis by age 2? What should I be doing to fix this situation now?


  1. He'll do fine :). Daniel liked whole milk and we did go to chocolate milk but with Carnation Instant Breakfast. He'll drink both now, but of course prefers chocolate. They grow so fast!

  2. He likes milk, so I don't think you have to switch to chocolate - of course he'll like that better and then you're stuck with him forgetting his fondness for white milk!!! He just misses the bottle, give him time!

  3. Remember that he doesn't know chocolate exists until you tell him, and ultimately you want the skinny self to prevail. If only I didn't know...

  4. Apparently this is a very common problem in 1YOs. We have decided to give him some time and 2 bottles a day instead of some crazy scheme of chocolate milk or diluted milk or milk-OJ combinations (as I've seen recommended on mommy chat sites) and worrying ourselves sick if he is getting enough calcium/fat/protein/etc. I'm trying not to see this as defeat. He just wasn't ready for this push yet. We'll try again later.


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