
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

pooping and sippy cups

Jonathan has been having a problem with his pooping. I guess he hasn't really been bothered by it, but I am concerned that he has suddenly transitioned from pooping 1-2x a day to pooping once every 7-10 days. I called the pediatrician last week when we realized that it had been 10 days since his last poop and the pediatric nurse who called me back to discuss the problem didn't really believe me that there had been no significant change to his diet and seemed to think that I must be slipping something in with that breast milk. Anyway her suggestions were to "stimulate him rectally" with rectal thermometer for 10-15 minutes or give him some apple juice. Well it wasn't super hard to decide which to try first.

Anyway, something about drinking juice from a bottle just seems wrong to me. So I decided to put a few ounces of apple juice in a sippy-cup for him. Mistake. While he is super interested in trying to drink from a regular cup, he thought the sippy-cup was just a fun toy. I held it while he drank the first few sips and then let him hold it while I turned away ever so briefly. And in the miliseconds I had my head turned Jonathan started shaking the cup upside-down over his head. Juice was pouring out of it all over everything. Awesome.

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