I know most babies sleep better than Jonathan, and we are going from bad to worse over here. At his best he sleeps for 12-14 hours and wakes up every 4-5 hours to eat. At his wost we have last night. He woke up crying 6 times between 7pm and 8am: 10pm, 12:30am, 2am, 2:30am, 4am, and 6am. And I don't mean that he woke up whimpering and fussing a little bit. I am talking all out, full-blown, shreak-sobbing. Over the weekend he woke like this 1hour after nursing and since it had been such a short time and was the middle of the night and we were trying to discourage this sort of pattern we decided to grin and bear it and wait it out- and he wailed for a full hour before I broke down and nursed him again.
I am working on a plan- I don't know what it is, but there has to be something!!
sounds like some teething action. try some hylands teething gel from walgreens. it doesn't have that terrible taste like baby oragel, and give him some tylenol. sweet dreams!