Lately I feel like I am struggling to get through each day in tact. I consciously remind myself multiple times a day that I can only deal with the things on my plate today- tomorrow's stuff will have to wait. There are not enough hours in the day or energy in my bones to tackle it all. I am just a bit frazzled at all times. I have the energy to follow the plan, but beyond that there isn't much gas in the engine. Surprises and last minute decisions are really not something I handle with grace. So two unplanned disasters of this afternoon have left me a little raw and unglued.
But somehow I got dinner on the table and the kids are in bed and I managed not to scream at anyone or break down in tears like I really wanted to. It was finally quiet in our living room and I sat down to go through the mail. Today we happened to get a glut of cataloges. I normally chuck them without a second glance but today the shiny pages sucked me in. As I paged through the glossy images of perfect tans and care-free smiles I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I wanted desperately to be sucked into the world within those pages. A world where I feel put together and, if not glamorous, at least clean and pressed- with no spit-up in my hair, or bags under my eyes, and an outfit that fits and doesn't have a half-chewed goldfish ground into my knees. I want to be swept into a shiny house with fresh-cut flowers on the coffee table and where dog hair does not waft across the floor and where you do not trip over legos and jungle animals and baby rattles.
I know it is all an illusion- but wouldn't it be nice? Except that I think I would miss the sleeping snuffling of the baby next to me when I slept. And the noisy thump-thump-thump of toddler feet running through the house. So for as rough as I feel tonight, I am glad I am here. This crazy phase of my life will pass, and I will miss it.
Miss you - and love you!