
Tuesday, January 4, 2011


We just recently turned Jonathan's car seat around so that he is now forward facing. I love it for several reasons including the increased ease of passing snacks and toys into the backseat and that with his new view on the world, Jonathan and I do a lot more chatting about what we see. For example today as we were pulling up to a red light behind a pickup:

Me: Jonathan do you see the truck?

Jonathan: Truck!! Crash the truck!! Crash the truck!!

Me: No, honey, we don't want to have crashes with real cars.

Jonathan: Crash the truck? Momma, crash the truck!

He persisted in instructing me to crash into every parked car we passed on the ride home.


  1. Ooops - sorry -- it must have been the bad influence of the little trucks we gave him for Christmas.
    l can't wait until he is older and we can go ride Bumper Cars!!!!!

  2. I love this little guy I've never met!


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