
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jonathan-isms 20.5 months

Here are a few of my favorite Jonathan-isms of the moment:
  • He has started calling me "Mommy" instead of "Mama".
  • He can count pretty well when prompted, but I often catch him singing to himself "One, free, four, six, one, free, four, six".
  • He ends all verbs with "it" as in "Jonathan have it cookie?" or "Crash it cars!" or "Shoot it basketball!!"
  • He loves sitting on the counter to 'help' me cook. And once the food is sorted, is enthralled with the nesting doll measuring cups Santa left in my stocking.
  • When something is upside down, he will fix it and then declare "Up-side up!"
  • When he finishes a task and no one congratulates him, he takes it upon himself to say "good-job"
  • If something falls or makes any sort of loud banging noise, he looks up in delight and says "Crash Bang Boom!"
  • After we tuck him in at night he sings himself to sleep. Usually a round of "Away in a manger" that blends seamlessly into "Twinkle twinkle little star"


  1. Santa brought me nesting doll measuring cups too! They're so cool :).

  2. Yup! No wonder our families always got along so well.

  3. Well, you know what they say about great minds! That's just good affirmation...of our great minds I mean..


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