
Saturday, September 11, 2010


Jonathan is going through a phase where he LOVES to dip food in, well, anything. It started with graham crackers in milk (my personal favorite), but now he insists on dipping his waffles in his yoghurt at breakfast. Two nights ago at dinner he kept picking things up and saying "dip?". When he finally realized there was going to be no dipping, he opted to get down and not eat dinner- not a single bite. So last night, I wised up and served pasta with the sauce on the side- for dipping. Huge hit. He even dipped his grapes in spaghetti sauce (he seemed to think it tasted great). Any suggestions out there for healthy, low prep dipping sauces? I get the feeling I'm going to need to have some ideas on hand for the next few weeks at least!


  1. Krista - Sophie took to dipping things in hummus. Mixing sour cream with honey mustard is good for chicken, too. I've also had some luck with guacamole as a dipping "sauce" for Sophie.


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