
Friday, June 11, 2010

312 hrs and counting

I remember growing up and getting 12-hr or 24-hr tummy bugs. It would spread around the family and everyone would puke a few times, but in a day or two everyone would have put in their 12 or 24 hrs and be back to normal. Today is the 13th day in a row that Jonathan has had the stomach flu. He started with a tummy bug weekend before last and has alternated between diarrhea and vomiting and fever (or all 3 at once) for the past two weeks. We've had two visits to the doctor and several conversations with the nurse on call. He's had better days, and worse days. In my head I know he will recover, eventually. But over the past 2 days he has gone from a relatively normally functioning baby with occasional GI distress to a sad, lethargic, and sick baby. He cries when he poops and looks up at you with those big eyes asking "when will this feel better" and then he cries more. It breaks my heart for him. I think he and I are both having a hard time not feeling hopeless. I know there isn't anything to be done but stay on clear liquids and bland crackers until his little tummy recovers its enzymes. But when he seems to be getting worse instead of better after 13 days, it is hard to keep believing that he will get better.

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