
Monday, April 18, 2011

Good Bye Bottle

23 1/2 months and I am finally packing up the bottles. Last night I decided it was time and I just skipped right from play-time to bath and then on to the bedtime routine, omitting the bottle completely, and Jonathan didn't mention it once. Tonight at around 6:25 he asked for a bottle and so I explained that we were done with bottles because he was getting to be a big boy. He cried and I hugged him and told him I know it was sad because he had liked bottles so much. I reassured him that we would still do bath-time and and pajama-time and story-time and songs before bed (he was particularly worried about stories, and I had to tell him a few times, that YES there would ALWAYS be books before bed). But then he ran to the bath tub and wanted to start the water. We'll see how tomorrow goes, but so far so good!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

bathtub conversation

Tonight in the bathtub Jonathan started to gnaw on the side wall of the tub. The following conversation then ensued:

Me: Jonathan, what are you doing?

Jonathan: Jonathan eating bathtub.

Me: Oh

Jonathan: Mommy sad.

Me: Mommy is sad that you are eating the bathtub?

Jonathan: Yep.

Me (pretending to pout):

Jonathan: OH NO!! Mommy sad!!!

He then proceeded to reach his hand into his mouth, pretend to scoop something out and rub it into the side of the tub.

Jonathan: All better. Mommy happy again.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I was going to wait until 20 weeks, but my students guessed this week and asked me about it, so I guess the cat is sort of out of the bag... I'm pregnant again!! I'm at 18 weeks and we are due mid September!! I've been having a hard time believing that this one is actually going to work out after the miscarriage this fall. But after seeing the baby moving around in an ultrasound, hearing the heartbeat, and starting to out-grow my pants, I'm getting more and more excited!! And today I finally decided to brave the belly-picture.

Here is me with a flat belly (taken 5 weeks into the pregnancy this fall):
And here is me today at 18 weeks: (the first one is with my belly normal, the second one with it pushed out)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

tot yoga

Newest super fun "Mommy and Me" activity? Yoga.
Jonathan loves rolling and unrolling the yoga mat. I've also been teaching him yoga poses since he started doing down dog about a year ago on his own. It was SO cute couldn't help but teach him the name so I could ask him to do it on command. He now has quite a repertoire including:

Down Dog:



and tree (which he picked up tonight, but I was unable to photograph because he would only do it while holding my hands)

He likes mimicking new poses and so we spent about 20 minutes tonight practicing various poses interspersed with marching, tip-toeing, and waddling. He especially likes to have me do down dog or plank and then crawl underneath like a tunnel. He usually then requests a "squish with tummy!" by which he means he wants me to do a push-up and squish him with my tummy.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Messy Fun

How much fun can you have with $1.29?

a LOT.

I promised Jonathan painting this morning, but when it came time, I couldn't find our paint. Alas. I swallowed hard, and broke out a rainy-day idea I'd run across a few weeks ago despite my fear of how much of a mess it would be.

I expected it to take a little bit of encouragement to get my neat-freak boy to be comfortable putting his hands in such gooey stuff. But I sprayed some shaving cream on a cookie sheet and by the time I could pick up my camera, he was off and running!

A few minutes in he did stop to declare "Oh no!! Big Mess!" But then dove right back in!

We added some food coloring,

Got some in our hair,

and had a great time!

Yes, there was shaving cream everywhere. I took his chair out and hosed it off along with our painting table-cloth and the pan. But now, aside from a faint clean scent, the evidence of our mischief is gone! This may be a better outdoor activity once it warms up, but it was certainly great fun!!
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