
Saturday, August 21, 2010

sunroom update

Right before we left for our Minnesota excursion, I bought a rug from Crate and Barrel with the idea of finally toddler-proffing our sunroom so that it is usable space again. We've basically used the space for storing things out of Jonathan's way and as a "hiding" place for to-be-dealt-with-later paperwork. I needed some motivation for spending some serious time tucking away cords and breakables, sorting through piles of paper and junk. The rug seemed like a good motivation- and it was!

I loved its bright look online and even more in person, but when I laid it out, it was obvious that the rest of the room was also going to need an update. So for the past week or so I've been busy sewing new pillow shams in bright colors, consolidating Jonathan's books onto a cute rolling cart, and creating a little artwork!

I love the finished product!! It is light and cheerful and great for cuddling with a toddler and a good book! And such a good feeling to have that room back in use!


  1. I love the room!! What a bright and cheery place! Remember how it used to look - when you first bought the house?? You've improved the house so much - I think you have a future in interior design!


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