
Sunday, April 11, 2010

excitement and apprehension

Jonathan started standing without support today!!

Actually yesterday he accidentally stood up for a second after the bucket he was holding fell over. But this afternoon he would just let go of stuff in a very nonchalant way- as though he had never really needed to hold onto something for support. I got all excited and cheered and clapped and he just looked at me with this bored gaze as if saying "Mom, you are such a dork. This is not a big deal". But it is a big deal. And I think he knows it too. He has started cruising with a vengeance and this afternoon he totally fell apart at the drop of a hat. The ball got stuck as he was pushing it and he flopped down on the carpet in sobs and was inconsolable- I got the ball un-stuck and he just pushed it along wailing. Everything I've read suggests that the period before a baby starts walking is pretty rough- so I'm bracing for a week or so of sleepless nights and cranky afternoons. Hopefully his sleep schedule isn't like the week before he learned to crawl (up every 1-2 hrs)!


  1. I just knew he would start today!!!

  2. I'm seeing a suspicious connection with pre-adolescence: "mom, you are such a dork" and sobbing inconsolably about something small. Oh wait... maybe that's just girls...

  3. developmental frustration and teething can explain almost everything that happens between now and adulthood!


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