
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Early Garden Pics

Its that time of year when the sunshine and just right warm weather makes me crazy to get outside and grow something. All winter my mind was hoping and planning for summer and what I'd grow and where. And after sneaking in garden work during nap times on weekends for a few weeks, the garden is finally starting to take the shape I'd had in mind all winter!

I've got two new raised beds I'm planning to do with the "square foot gardening" method- (carrots and basil seeds went in the ground this morning). I have potatoes in containers and two new trellises for growing beans. (I'm trying a French climbing bean for eating green and an heirloom variety for drying). I put my onion sets in a few weeks ago and my garlic is still going strong from this fall! The leaves of the tomato, pepper, and basil plants I started from seed 4 weeks ago have all contracted some sort of white-spotty disease something or other. So I think I'm going to be buying plants again this year. I will not let the death of those plants dishearten me at this point!

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