
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Alphabet Zookeeper

In my attempt to organize/purge  our out of control toy situation, I began noticing just how many toy animals we have.  Stuffed, wooden, rubbery, bath-toys, finger-puppets, noise-making.  For example we have 5 zebras, 4 lions, 6 elephants, etc.  And while this is ridiculous, it also gave us a great opportunity for sorting.

So I made "cages" for each of our types of animals labeled with the letter they start with and their names:

I laid the cages and all of the animals out on the table.  I explained that Jonathan was the zookeeper and had to put all of the animals back in their proper cages.  It gave us a chance to talk about the letters and what sounds they make and to practice thinking about words and the way they correspond to those sounds.

It was not exactly a game he could play all by himself yet, since he seems to have a set himself against knowing his letters.  BUT we did this yesterday and he wanted to play it again today and was upset when some of the cages got chewed on.

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