
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

5 things (again)

I have been feeling a bit down as of late.  There are days when I feel great and can't wait to explore another day with my two kiddos. We have plans and adventures and we all smile and laugh.  But more often I want to cry and pull the blanket back over my head when it is time to get up.  I feel a little adrift and like I am just going through the motions, trying to survive the day without knowing where we are going or caring if we get there.  I feel just a wee bit exhausted emotionally for a lot of reasons I don't want to get into atm.

BUT I have been trying, trying to put some order and structure around that helps me actually settle in and enjoy the little moments through my stress and exhaustion.  And one of the ways that is most helpful is to try to capture the little things that make me smile on camera.  It makes me stop and think and enjoy and look for ways to find joy instead of ways to sulk.  SO here are my fab five from last week.

1) Pluck.  This girl has it.  She has been working at figuring out that gate ever since we put it up- and she has gotten it open more than once.  Oy.  She is going to keep me running.  But it does make me smile to see her mischievous little grin and watch her work so hard.  

2) Second Breakfast with my little boy.  Almost nothing makes me happier than cooking something fabulous and sharing it with someone who also loves it.  We have been settling down for our snack during Zoë's morning nap and this week we've been having toast with homemade fig jam.  YUMMY.

3) Morning Giggles on the Baby Monitor.  Ok, so the red flashing lights and being woken up in the morning at 6:30 is not always a source of joy or smiles.  BUT to hear the two of them laughing together and crashing around in their cribs like little maniacs and then both dissolving into hysterical laughter does make me smile.  Even at 6:30.  Even though I want to pull the sheet back over my head.

4) The Power Crawl.  Zoë has just started adding a little sprint burst to her crawl when she needs to get somewhere fast. It is hilarious.  And fast- I seriously need to run to catch up now.  Her little legs go so fast and then she usually dives head first into whatever she was after- her monkey-blankie, the dog's bowl, whatever.

5) Potty Talk.  Maybe I shouldn't talk about poop in public. But this made me laugh harder than anything else this week, so I have to share.  I was getting the bath ready and Jonathan was on the potty and before every poop he would sing-song about "What is going to come a-a-out?!?!" and then peal into laughter after each poop-nugget plunked into the pot.  Before becoming a Mommy, no one could have explained the joy of this kind of moment to me- but these are the memories I will cherish when he is a teenager and too cool to be seen with Mom.


  1. The other day the whole house burst into celebration when Jude pooped on the potty for the first time ever. Songs were sung. Grandparents were called. We told friends at a playdate who joined in with cheers. I thought about how people with kids really can't understand how much joy poop can bring.

  2. I think Zoë is reminding me more and more of you...! And oh, Jonathan - what a stitch!! A little video of his potty-songs and you can blackmail him GOOD when he is that 'too cool' teenager.....and speaking of videos - you should grab your phone or camera in the early a.m. and capture your baby monitor for the giggles and laughter; I'd give anything to hear it! Makes me wish I was sleeping in that lovely little guest room tonight!

  3. Krista, this is Rachel Crumbly ... I don't know how to comment on a blog (!), as I am a bit of a Ludite. But here I am reading yours and wanted to just say I am sorry for your emotional exhaustion, and I have felt that before too ... I hope you are out of yours soon! Perhaps with the beginning of the new school year ... Also, I saw your entry about the alphabet stickers a while back (maybe months ago??) and thought - you could totally be a homeschooler!! Take good care, friend. Ok, I am going to see if I can get this to send .....


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