
Sunday, March 20, 2011

its beginning to look a lot like.... springtime!!

The weather around here is starting to seem a lot like spring time. My daffodils are in full bloom, the sun has been shining, and the temps climbing into the 70s. Which means that playing outside is becoming much more fun for Mommy (which is good because it is Jonathan's FAVORITE thing). We move our tot-sized basketball hoop and soccer goal out to the backyard almost every afternoon and last weekend we made our first springtime trip to the botanical gardens.

We had a good time, but I must have called it a "park" once while I was explaining our adventure for the day, because Jonathan was under the distinct impression that we were going to the playground- and kept asking when we would get there. Alas. He may have been happier at our neighborhood swing-set, but I enjoyed the new greenery and fresh air was wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. I'm confused. When I came to visit, you had a baby. The child in the pictures is not a baby, but looks suspiciously like him. Whoa.


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