
Friday, November 12, 2010

18 month update

Jonathan went in on Tuesday for his 18 month appointment and so I thought it would be a good time to share some random facts about the most amazing 18month old in the world:

-He continues to be in the 10% for weight and the 90% for height

-When the doctor came into the exam room for his 18 mo appointment, Jonathan looked at him, and proudly said "Hi Doctor!" then pointed to an empty chair and said "Sit-down!". The pediatrician was a bit taken aback, but impressed!

-Currently he is crazy about trash-cans. He points them out wherever we go- from quite far away. This week he has also taken to finding bits of trash around the house (stray bits of lint or clumps of dog hair or pages ripped out of a book) and then parading through the living room declaring "crash-keen, crash-keen" until I unlock the cabinet where the trash can lives and he can throw the offending bit of lint away.

-Almost nothing is as guaranteed to make him as happy as suggesting that we go outside.

-We just weaned him from his morning bottle this week. He maintains a fierce love for his evening bottle and so we are continuing it as part of the bedtime routine (don't tell the doctor)

-Still hates to drink milk from a cup. Thankfully loves yogurt and cheese.

-Loves waffles for breakfast.

- Has 10 teeth

-Still loves balls- particularly soccer balls. (When there is a team practicing soccer in the field across the street it is like a dream come true.) He can correctly identify a baseball, football, basketball, and soccer ball and knows that soccer balls and footballs are for kicking and that basketballs are for shooting. If you make your arms into a a hoop, he will 'shoot' the basketball through the hoop and then *sometimes* say "Go Duke!"

-Says his name and the names of all 8 children in his preschool class as well as the 3 teachers.

-LOVES pushing buttons and pretending to talk on the phone. He holds the phone up to his hear and says "Hi" and then a few random words and then "Bye" and then puts the phone down. If you ask him who he was talking to he usually replies "Grampa"

-He calls his toes "piggies"

-Talks non-stop from the moment he wakes up until the moment he goes to sleep.


  1. I agree with your opening comments...he is the most amazing 18 month old in the world! Love you Jonathan!


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